❀ Updating the website soon!


  Yo ! In my last entry I mentioned overhauling this website at some point. I think I'm going to do that pretty soon, hopefully early next month (which is... the day after tomorrow, lol.) To ring in the new state of things, I'll be archiving this current state of the site because it'd be super time consuming and inefficient to re-format everything for the amount of entries I have at this point. These old pages will still be accessible, but not a main attraction, since a lot of what I've built up and talked about isn't really relevant to the story as it is now anymore. But a lot of the websites I see around on neocities are super inspiring. It makes me want to do more with this. Get Creative with it. Express myself more. I'd like to pour a little more love and time into it, I've just been a lot more focused with the development of OHAU itself, so updating this hasn't been too much of a priority.

  Mostly as of late I've been wrapped up in character conceptualizations and redesigns. I've been hard at work making everyone less... generic? I think? More of their own and recognizeable. Like, Beau's night form has always been super replicatable, and I'm not a fan of it. One of the directions I've decided to take is that everyone is... ~food themed~. Hehe. In some capacity, at least. It sounds really random but I think it works and I like where it's been taking me.

  Basically I haven't had a lot of headroom to keep updating this site in mind. I'm not even sure how I'll stylize it. Maybe I'll sketch something up in csp today? I don't know. But I will try! We'll see.

  I think that's all I have to say for right now unfortunately. I don't think I want to talk about OHAU development till I can get the site overhaul in order, since I started this whole thing way back when I was first kicking the initial story overhaul into gear, and things are on a much, much different track than they were two years ago. I'm gonna have to reintroduce everything, and I don't even have animations to back me up this time o(><;)oo I hope y'all can be patient with me !!

- Kyu
