Welcome to my little corner of the web! I'm Kyu, and this is a site for me and my sister to talk about our silly little story :-) We've been working really hard on it, so I hope you'll enjoy our adventures!

OHAU was made on October 18th, 2019. We started properly working on it as a team back in late 2022, and as of April 2024 it is undergoing a total rewrite. We aren't starting completely from scratch in terms of the cast and worldbuilding and the handle we've gotten on things so far, but it's been much of the same for many years, and we think there's a lot more we can do with it in order to reach its fullest, truest potential. If you'd like to learn more, head over to the about page!


WHEW! Hi! I finally finished the about page! It took me as long to make as it did because of the little animated character icons, LOL. But it's done now! Later today I'll see if I can start working on the stuff for the archive :-)


WHEW! I've been getting a lot done! But there's still plenty to go! Finished the homepage, made a new site button, figuring bunches of cool things out. I'm super duper excited.

Lookie there... the page scrolls underneath the little canopy... Really proud of that detail in particular. ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧


Forgot to make an update for this! I integrated the new look for the site into the not-found page yesterday :-) I'm working on the homepage right now, so hopefully I'll be able to set that up soon!


Made a new entry and removed the cast section from the front page ! Will be overhauling the site itself soon hopefully.


HELLO I AM NOT DEAD. I have made a new entry! And I've made a Ko-fi! Which I've added the link to in my navigation tab! Planning to update the look of this site in the future (。・∀・)ノ゙


OHAU IS 4 YEARS OLD TODAY !!! EVERYONE SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY OHAU !!! I've made an entry to celebrate the occasion :-) Huzzah !!!!


I HAVE OFFICIALLY HAD THIS SITE FOR ONE YEAR ! WOOHOO ! Here's to more silley shenanigans ! :-D

Edit: YESTERDAY WAS DOMI'S BDAY APPARENTLY...... sorry girlie i love you i prommy. I need to be more on top of all these dates.


TODAY IS MEL'S BIRTHDAY I REALIZED SO LATE IN THE DAY. OMGLOB. She is 4 years old !! 🎉 Happy birthday Mel!


Added the premise from the exposition vid to the homepage !! I really like it and I think it sums the initial story up really well :-D


WOOHOO! Finally giving this place some TLC! I'm still working on the primary page itself, and I have some things to finish yet, but I wanted to have an update to put in this :-3 Since I don't really have a use for the story page I still wanted to use the css + html, because gosh it's so pretty, I'm really proud of it actually. Carpe diem and all that.


  • Make opening site page
  • Make updated archive page
  • Make archive entry template
  • Be awesome

I initially created this website to be like a sort of diary for me to talk about my thoughts during development, way back when we were first trying to get a grip on what exactly we were doing. Now that I've had it up for two years (woohoo!) I have decided to bring Kess on here too, so she can make entries of her own. Nothing I write here will be super explicit about the intricacies of what we're working with - It's more just a way for me to archive things as they come.

Someday, we hope to write OHAU into a book, so we're doing everything we can to make it the best version of itself it can be. If you'd like to get more in-depth info on the project, see our conceptual work, or ask questions, consider donating to my ko-fi! You can get access to the OHAU discord server (16+) and have a look around ^_^ Thanks for stopping by!