Hi! Kyu here! Sort of unfortunate news.

I will no longer be updating this website. I'm not going to shut it down or anything, it'll remain up as it is I suppose just for the sake of being able to view it still for how hard I worked on it and how much time I spent on it, and the memories that it holds, but I don’t plan on finishing it or continuing to make entries for it.

I think this will be a general announcement for all my current means of posting. I have been wanting to withdraw from having more of a public and interactive position on the internet for a while now, and I think I am finally at a point where I can say for sure that I would prefer to stop while I’m ahead.

OHAU is an extremely important and personal part of my life. Earlier this month, I was able to have Kess come up and visit me for the first time, and I feel that the time I spent with her settled things in for me in a way of where I am finally starting to understand what it is I really want out of telling this story, and what it really means to me as a whole.

We are still going to make it into a book. Someday it will happen. But I think I don’t want it to happen like this. Everything I say about exactly why and how will probably come out weird and disjointed and kind of vague, but in short, for how important this story is to me and what writing it has come to mean to me over the years, I don’t want to turn it into my career. I don’t want to make my work on it into a chore or a thing to be fandomized. I don’t want it to garner such a following that it will stop being me and my sister’s story before we’re ready to give it away.

I am very grateful for the audience I’ve been blessed with. I love you all and your support means the world to me. I’m still going to be sharing my artwork and my videos, but I’ll be taking much more of a back seat when it comes to keeping things updated, or saying anything of value about the story and what I’m working on at all. I am simply not equipped and not comfortable enough for these characters to be treated like they aren’t mine.

I would like to go back to being some guy on the web playing with her toys. While I admire the idea of sharing this story that has done so much for me with so many people, and for them to enjoy it the same way that I have, I think I am just too protective of it. I’m not ready for it to stop being mine. I don’t want it to be anything other than something I laugh with my sister about. It sounds kind of silly, I know, especially when that’s a privilege a lot of folks dream about having, but with the state of how people tend to treat these things once they get big enough, and more so the people who create those things, I would rather stop it before it starts.

Thank you for everything. I really have enjoyed the time that we’ve shared while it lasted. Again, I will still be sharing my art and my videos, but I think I need to go back into my hobbit hole. I have already shut down the server I'd created dedicated to this as well as my ko-fi. So long, folks ~(=^‥^)ノ

- Kyu